Geological Society of London

Neoproterozoic evolution of the eastern Arabian basement based on a refined geochronology of the Marbat region, Sultanate of Oman

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-06-21, 11:29 authored by Nina E. Rantakokko, Martin J. Whitehouse, Victoria Pease, Brian F. Windley

New high spatial resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) U–Pb zircon data from the Sadh gneiss complex and the intruding Marbat granodiorite of the Marbat region, southern Sultanate of Oman, yield Cryogenian magmatic protolith ages for gneisses ranging from c. 850 to 830 Ma. Zircon ages record a c. 815–820 Ma period of deformation and migmatization, followed by intrusion of a hornblende gabbro/diorite and the undeformed Marbat granodiorite at c. 795 Ma. Following break-up and rifting of Rodinia at c. 870 Ma, crustal growth in the Marbat region occurred via arc accretion at c. 850–790 Ma, possibly in the easternmost part of the Mozambique Ocean based on earlier cessation of accretion here compared to the Arabian–Nubian Shield. Similarity of the new zircon geochronology to peaks of detrital zircon ages in the unconformably overlying Ediacaran Marbat sandstone suggests relatively local derivation from uplifted basement for the latter.
