Fig. A.1. Two parallel magmatic belts with contrasting isotopic characteristics from southern Tibet to Myanmar: Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic constraints
Fig. A.1. (A) Regional setting of the studied area in Yunnan and Myanmar, and adjacent areas showing locations of (B) and (C), which are sketch geological map showing the distribution of major batholiths in Yunnan and Myanmar, respectively (modified from Mitchell et al., 2012; Lin et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2012). JS, Jinshajiang suture; BNS, Bangong–Nujiang suture; YTS, Yarlu–Tsangpo suture; PMZ, Paung Laung–Mawchi zone; IBR, Indo–Burman Ranges; Tagaung–Myitkyina; Tagaung–Myitkyina belt.