Geological Society of London

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Crystal entrainment from cool, low-silica rocks into hot, high-silica melts: diverse primary melt compositions at Taranaki volcano, New Zealand

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posted on 2023-01-30, 16:12 authored by N. G. D’Mello, G. F. Zellmer, G. Kereszturi, T. Ubide, J. N. Procter, R. B. Stewart
Figure S3: Representative SEM-BSE images of the investigated Taranaki lava samples (a) Oscillatory zoned, euhedral clinopyroxene phenocryst in sample ES5; (b) TUR sample showing zoned clinopyroxene crystal (lower left) (c) euhedral crystal of clinopyroxene with patchy zoning in sample ES5; (d) euhedral plagioclase with oscillatory zoning and sieve texture in sample PYR; (e) rounded core with euhedral rim of plagioclase in sample L21; (f) sieved interior and oscillatory zoned plagioclase with distinct core/mantle in sample L09; (g) zoned amphibole showing breakdown features at the rim in sample L18; (h) volumetric decomposition (D'Mello et al. 2021) of amphibole into plagioclase and clinopyroxene in sample ES3; (i) broken amphibole with reaction rim from sample ES3; (j) clinopyroxene glomerocryst in sample L02, with inclusions of Fe-Ti oxides (white-near equant crystals); (k) groundmass of sample L16 showing vesicles and microlite populations (clinopyroxene-light grey, plagioclase-dark grey, and oxides-black, with rare orthopyroxene) (l) glomerocryst of intergrown plagioclase crystals from sample L18.
