Geological Society of London

Cretaceous microfossils as indicators of cooling episodes (Boreal and Peri-Tethyan Russia)

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posted on 2019-11-13, 12:39 authored by V. S. Vishnevskaya, L. F. Kopaevich
S2. Late Albian palaeogeographic sketch. Distribution of the foraminifera and radiolaria in the EEP and in the Crimea–Caucasus area. White colour— land, area of denudation or erosian; blue colour—late Albian sedimentation area. Agglutinated benthic foraminifera: 1—Haplophragmoides rosaceous Subbotina; 2—Ammobaculites subcretaceous. Cushman and Alexander; 3—Haplophragmoides concavus Chapman. Calcareous benthic foraminifera: 4—Marginulina jonesi Reuss. Planktonic foraminifera: 5—Parathalmanninella appenninica (Gandolfi). Radiolaria: 6—genus Crolanium.
