Geological Society of London

Tables S1–S13. Metamorphism of the Buchan type-area, NE Scotland, and its relation to the adjacent Barrovian domain

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posted on 2021-08-16, 20:04 authored by David R.M. Pattison, Shantal A. Goldsmith
Tables: S1 Locations, metamorphic zones, and mineral assemblages of samples that have been analysed chemically or shown in photographs/photomicrographs; S2 Summary of key whole rock and mineral chemical parameters; S3 Whole rock compositions; S4 Whole rock compositions grouped by mineral assemblage; S5 Biotite compositions; S6 Muscovite compositions; S7 Chlorite compositions; S8 Cordierite compositions; S9 Staurolite compositions; S10 Garnet compositions; S11 Plagioclase compositions; S12 Monazite compositions; S13 Monazite isotopic results and interpreted dates.
