Geological Society of London
sp524-2021-110_si_001.xlsx (21.38 kB)

Early post-breakup kinematic adjustments of continental–oceanic transform fault zones: Cape Range, Coromandal and Romanche transform margin case study

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posted on 2021-12-22, 12:00 authored by Michal Nemčok, Lucia Ledvényiová, Andreas Henk, Samuel Rybár, Sudipta T. Sinha, Lubomil Pospíšil, Ján Mikuška, Michal Jánošík, Tamás Csibri, Stanislaw Staniaszek, Adam Baranowski, Tadeusz Gontar
Examples of large transforms that (a) did not undergo any kinematic adjustment, (b) experienced transtensional adjustment and (c) underwent transpressional adjustment.
